Saturday, June 28, 2014

How-To's n' Stuff.

Last night Peter was criticizing me trying to hurt my feelings help me be a better blogger.

"Yeah, our conversations are hilarious, but in order to broaden your reading pool you need to do something to appeal to more people. How-to's are big in the blogging world. Start there."

This morning I was considering what How-To things there are right now in the blogging loop. One thing I have been seeing a lot recently is "My Beauty Regime"

"That would be easy!" I thought for a moment, "I could totally do that!" But then I remembered,
"Wait. I can do that because I don't HAVE a beauty regime. If I made a How-to-Replicate-My-Beauty-Regime post, everyone would read to know what NEVER to do."

Then these pictures happened.

You're welcome.

The end. 


  1. Mommifer says: words cannot express how daringly funny I find this post! I love you!

  2. Ha ha I think that was a very effective how to post. At least you showed that you brushing your teeth is important...

    1. Thanks! I was considering that I could expound on that area of my beauty. How-to effectively brush your teeth. I could also do How-to wash your hair, How-to change your clothes... So many options!! hehe

  3. Hahahahaha! It is very similar to my beauty regime. Except I'm considerably older and should be much more concerned about the heavy-footed marching of time across my face. Sigh.

    1. Nah, you're beautiful. I think it must run in the family! ;)

  4. Yeah, I try really hard too in trying to get into that "beauty regime loop" but not sure if its working out too well. Especially since my personal beauty regime consists of me just trying not to look scary every day. Great post :)

    1. Beauty regimes are hard work! I think it's best just to accept whatever level of laziness/dedication in regards to your appearance makes you the most happy and stick with that. ;)
      Thanks for reading! :)
